"Leather is a noble material that requires precision and quality work throughout the transformation process"

Raw, wet-blue, wet-white, crust.

Furniture to Automotiv & Marine, Shoes, Bags & Accessories.

Our emphasis on quality, fine craftsmanship & attention to detail makes us a preferred manufacturing partner for your needs. 

Based on smart production techniques. Using a combination of both handcraft and technology, experienced artisans & craftsmen trained to use modern technology in the manufacturing process to achieve perfection and increase efficiency.


Yatch + Aviation + Marine


Sofa + Chair + Carpets


Leather small accessories + Wallets + Gloves


Boots + High hills + Classic

Made in Italy

Arzignano "The Capital of Leather"

We are proudly based in Arzignano.

The Ministry of Economic Development has approved the registration of the “Arzignano Capital of Leather” trademark: excellent news for companies in the Venetian tanning industry that see the importance of their business recognised.
Great satisfaction comes from the municipality “Arzignano Capital of Leather is finally a registered trademark, an exclusive property of the Municipality of Arzignano, of its citizens and its companies. In a highly competitive world, we have considered it strategic to protect our excellence”.

Get a price quote - Contact us!

Kindly use the form below to contact us for any additional information.
Our Leather Experts will give you the best possible pricing, they are equipped to help you determine which leather is the most suited for your needs.
Please fill in the form and our team will get in touch with you.
All of your information will be kept confidential.

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